Morda Idea

Mysterious Hag that wonders the world looking to tell a good tale to those who will listen.

Age: Unknown

Gender: Fluid

Appearance: Frequently sighted as a poor old hag that loiters near taverns in small towns.


Morda only speaks in soft whispers and if conversed with for longer than an hour, Morda’s Thirsting Curse will be struck to the victim. Afterwhich, Morda’s mood with visibly improve and percieve to get younger. Typically followed by laughter and offerings to buy the victim a gift or drink from nearby establishments. Afterwards, Morda will recant wonderful and elaborate tales from all of their many years alive. Disappearing at the rise of the sun.

Many have Morda’s Thirsting Curse but barely notice it as they typically will die earlier deaths than normal of their kind. As such, tracking down Morda can be assisted by gathering others and cooperating.

DM Note
  • Morda is weak to radiant damage.
  • Morda can disguise herself as any individual that she has cast her curse upon and will typically use the body to enter establishments of high population.
  • Morda always refers to herself as Morda, regardless of what her current appearance may be.
  • Locating Morda is only possible by someone who bears the curse.